A weeks break walking in East Devon, but I got chance to visit the Model Railway exhibition at Pecorama yesterday. Only £2.20 as it was off season and a chance to look for terrain making ideas.
My favourite the Spanish railway "Catalunya"
Starting work on the hills
I was lucky and found an almost complete sheet of "Celotex" foam insulation in a skip just down the road, so I definitely have enough for the seventeen (17!) hills I need for the big game. Here are the first three roughed out and the beginnings of a hilltop town.
The shaping of the two larger hills is almost finished, I just need to fill all the gaps and then add several coats of PVA before adding scatter, etc. The smaller hill is a first attempt at a terraced hillside. The walls have been coated with "hard as nails" and then gravel pressed into the surface. I'll need to do this on the slopes of the hilltop town.
The shaping of the two larger hills is almost finished, I just need to fill all the gaps and then add several coats of PVA before adding scatter, etc. The smaller hill is a first attempt at a terraced hillside. The walls have been coated with "hard as nails" and then gravel pressed into the surface. I'll need to do this on the slopes of the hilltop town.
Sicily - walls part 1
Completed my first batch
The basic wall came from ebay (link), but needed cut to size to fit on the large lolly atcks used for bases.
A picture showing progress so far.
Although there is one gateway shown, I've decided not to create more and just use gaps between the walling. I also need some shorter sections and I'll work on them with the next batch
The basic wall came from ebay (link), but needed cut to size to fit on the large lolly atcks used for bases.
A picture showing progress so far.
Although there is one gateway shown, I've decided not to create more and just use gaps between the walling. I also need some shorter sections and I'll work on them with the next batch
Winter Panzer IVs
Pressing on with work on the WMMS purchases. The Italeri fast build Panzer IVs were fast to assemble and paint. Given the white decals on the T34s showed through I decided to add decals to these.
Note that normally I would have used the Airfix Panzer IVs from the stash, but everything I've done so far for winter is 1/72 I decided to keep a constant scale.
Note that normally I would have used the Airfix Panzer IVs from the stash, but everything I've done so far for winter is 1/72 I decided to keep a constant scale.
Winter T34s
WW2 Winter Italians
From the warmth of Sicily to the freezing cold of Russsian. Like the Hungarians I still don't hane all the bts needed to complete the heavy weapons so I just completed the rifle companies.
Figures are the Strelets Italians at Stalngrad.
Figures are the Strelets Italians at Stalngrad.
Orange Trees
Another step forward for Sicily, the orange groves. my period map shows quite a few orchards around Lentini so I hope these will provide sufficient for my big game needs.
The basic trees came from China via ebay and were based on foamcore. One thing I should have done was spray the trees with fixative (hairspray) first, rather than last, to reduce the lost of fruit and foliage.
The basic trees came from China via ebay and were based on foamcore. One thing I should have done was spray the trees with fixative (hairspray) first, rather than last, to reduce the lost of fruit and foliage.
WMMS - the booty
very limited purchases, especially as I was looking out for anything Sicilian
But I did get
But I did get
- Another box of cacti
- The M32 TRV I need to complete my new US Armoured battalion
- The new Italeri fast build Panzer IVs - these won't fit in with the rest of my German forces, but will with my new winter units
- A trio of T34/76s for £10 - again these will be winterised
- Finally 3 Brittannia Breda 20mm AA guns for my desert Italians - I would have like more to replace my old oversized BP cast models, but I can wait
Pictures from WMMS
Good day out at WMMS and plenty of chance to look around as I wasn't committed the helping out on the Lance & Longbow stand and this year there was plenty of inspiring games put on.
Here's the L&L society game, another Teutonic knights skirmish
A neighbouring table with 28mm WW2 desert action
Tony with his charge of the French cavalry at Waterloo
More Napoleonic action
A very nice Renaissance game
With a very tempting Ottoman galley
ECW action, if the boards look familiar it's because they were made for a Gettysburg game, Devils Den is hidden in the wood.
Some quite interesting buildings in the game
Indian Mutiny
WW1 I'm never convinced by the hex based trenches
WW2 Japanese attack on the Phillipines
Mexican-American War
Anglo-Sikh war
6th edition Ancients!!
Battle of Bouvines 1214 with the Society of Ancients. I took on the English/Imperial force and had apparently gained the upper hand when my opponent was dragged off to lunch by his wife!
WW1 action, much nicer trenches
WW2 Chain of Command
Great Northern War, more temptation.
A US 37mm gun on display, but I still can't work out where the bits of photo-etched brass in the S-Model kit go!
Here's the L&L society game, another Teutonic knights skirmish
A neighbouring table with 28mm WW2 desert action
Tony with his charge of the French cavalry at Waterloo
More Napoleonic action
A very nice Renaissance game
With a very tempting Ottoman galley
ECW action, if the boards look familiar it's because they were made for a Gettysburg game, Devils Den is hidden in the wood.
Some quite interesting buildings in the game
Indian Mutiny
WW1 I'm never convinced by the hex based trenches
WW2 Japanese attack on the Phillipines
Mexican-American War
Anglo-Sikh war
6th edition Ancients!!
Battle of Bouvines 1214 with the Society of Ancients. I took on the English/Imperial force and had apparently gained the upper hand when my opponent was dragged off to lunch by his wife!
WW1 action, much nicer trenches
WW2 Chain of Command
Great Northern War, more temptation.
A US 37mm gun on display, but I still can't work out where the bits of photo-etched brass in the S-Model kit go!