Attending Salute 2015 suddenly became possible when my daughter arrived back from six months in Latin America and the dates coincided (success). I sorted transport and a hotel and then on the morning of departure - disaster a puncture! - no way could I shift the overtightened nuts, so the pre-booked train would be missed. An hour later the wheel was changed, but I was about to give up the whole weekend, but luckily found some cheapish tickets were still available on another slow train - hurrah plan back on again.
Saturday was one of those great wargaming days, I didn't stop from arriving at 8:30 till the finish sometime just before 17:00. The Agincourt game with Simon Chick's figures was great and the players all pitched in to keep me, as umpire, on track. We all enjoyed a great game, even if the French won (blame the umpire). As a result I didn't see much of the rest of the show except during short breaks, so please use other blogs, etc to see what else was happening.
The plan was to refight the battle as per the French theoretical deployment, which assumes all the contingents arrive as planned.
The English position
The French deployment
Agincourt itself a lovely piece of modelling
From here on there is an incomplete record as I didn't get the chance to take many pictures
The French vanguard of Crossbowmen with Cavalry on the flanks suffer heavy losses while the Men at Arms on foot struggle forward
The French Men at Arms falter under the rain of arrows
Quite a gap in time, the French Men at Arms had assaulted on their right and defeated the archers before being driven back by the small unit of English cavalry. In the centre Henry V is being driven back despite catching the French at a disadvantage
A close up of the central scrum
then the French left managed to launch an attack and defeat the English archers, the Oriflame surges forward.

At this point it was obvoius that the French had won the day
A scenic shot through the flanking trees
The "final glory" - three awards!