French dragoons on foot for the WSS
My last French dragoons are now deployed on foot, they are the Strelets French dragoons skirmishing and to make up the required numbers I have added some Zvezda GNW Russian dragoon horse, which are a close fit. Again I have picked units to give a variety.
Rohan Chabot
These are the last WSS figures in my stash and I'm now awaitng Strelets restarting production so I can acquire more of their promised sets.
More cavalry for the War of Spanish Succession
Time seems to fly by, I am way behind with my plan for the month. I had taken account of my weeks holiday, but on teturning all my painting efforts have been diverted to 1:1 scale redecorating the hall. Still I have managed six cavalry units, three each of British and French.
Magnac's brigade, made from the Strelets late war dragoons painted as horse as I have plenty of dragoons
Regiment de Fourquevaux
Regiment de Abusson
Regiment de Vivans
Wood's brigade, again Strelets figures, Brtish regiment of horse late war.
The Queens regiment of horse commanded by Lumley
Earl of Plymouth's regiment of horse commanded by Wood
Duke of Shrewsbury's regiment of horse commanded by Cadogan
Some interesting pictures of the TYW/ECW
Always funny what you come across in your travels. On the way back from holiday in Ceredigion we stopped off at Powis "castle" . In one of the rooms there were some familiar pictures, but when I asked the guide I only found out they were generic battle scenes. Eventually remembering the name of the Flemish artist Pieter Snayers and adding "powis" up popped the pictures and far better than I could see them high up on the walls at the stately house.
all said to be in the manner of Pieter Snayers (Antwerp 1592 – Brussels 1667). There is also one other in the National Trust collection so I'll have to pop down to Erddig, which is nearby to see it.
Bigger images can be obtained here
My recent output from my 3D resin printer
I thought it might be of interest to readers to cover what I have recently printed and illustrated in my previous blog post.
Starting from the top right tray and working round clockwise
Starting from the top right tray and working round clockwise
- Mainly British 2 x Morris CS-9; 2 x Daimler aroured cars;1 x A13 cruiser; 3 x Matilda 2; 3 x Matilda 1; 2 x White scout cars (one damamged)
- Japanese 2 x Kurogane staff cars; 2 x Nissan 180 trucks; 2 x type 94 trucks; 2 x 47mm AT guns; 3 x 20mm AA guns and crews (in green tray)
- French 1 x Char Bi bis; 4 Somua S35; 4 x Hotchkiss H39; 3 x Renault R35; 1 x AMR-XT; 4 x M/c combos; 2 x fuel trailer for Lorraine 37L, 2 x 25mm AT guns for a pair of portees already painted; 2 x 155mm guns
- Green box with a St Chamond and Schneider CA-1 WW1 tanks
- Green box with a coastal tanker, 4 x Fairmile MGB (two slightly damaged) 1 x Russian minesweeper ( commercial hull with some resin printed parts)
- German 2 x Borgward Wanze; 2 x 88mm Pak43 (shields need repaired) 2 x RSO (PSC bodies with resin printed tracks); 1x Panzer III N, 1 x StuIG 33B
- Test printing of 20mm Dutch Napoleonic Infantry (all slightly undersized); Russian mineroller for PT34; 3 x Petrol pumps; 8 Oxen for Napoleonic Spanish Artillery; 4 x Water Buffalos
- Japanese 3 x Type 2 Ka-Mi; 3 x Type 95 Ha-Go; 3 x Type 89 I-Go; 3 x Type 97 Chi-Ha (plus turrets for the Shinhoto version); 2 x Type1 Ho-Ki APCs
- US 6 x LVT-2s with extras to create 3 x LVT(a)-1 and 3 x LVT(a)-4
On the workbench - April 2022
Another month and a new start to a quarter, at least I have printed the following
So my plan for April is
So my plan for April is
- More British & French Cavalry for the WSS- well uderway
- French dismounted dragoons for the WSS
- German FJ heavy weapons
- Paint WW1 & WW2 French vehicles,etc. that I have just printed
- Paint WW2 British vehicles,etc. that I have just printed plus some 18/25pdrs since I have printed the wheels
- Paint WW2 US LVTs
- Then depending on progress Strelets French Goumiers and Field Kitchen
Progress against plan Q1 2022
It certainly feels like a slow start to the year with only 268 items completed, but I also carried out my first print run of the year and generated a lot of stuff that now has to be painted.
Looking at progress against the detailed plan:-
First and foremost my plan is to meet with as many friends as possible, assuming that retrictions come to an end, other than that I'll be working on three themes. - underway - Beacon Wargames club is well established and we've had our first gaming day of the year. I also supported the Lance & Longbow Society at Vapnartak.
Looking at progress against the detailed plan:-
First and foremost my plan is to meet with as many friends as possible, assuming that retrictions come to an end, other than that I'll be working on three themes. - underway - Beacon Wargames club is well established and we've had our first gaming day of the year. I also supported the Lance & Longbow Society at Vapnartak.
Game specific projects
- Pegasus bridge and Horsa glider for a D-Day game - not started
- Continuing to build my War of Spanish Succession forces, as quickly as Strelets release them - underway - French mounted dragoons completed
- Rebase/upgrade the whole of my Anglo-Zulu War armies including the Boers - not started
- Attempt to rationalise my terrain - not started
Reducing the existing stash, I'd like to make at least a 10% reduction - underway - I have had a purge and sold some surplus on ebay
- Paint the already printed WW2 French vehicles - Completed, but I've printed more
- Extra Afrika Corps and Italian figures to convert my Rapid Fire troops to use Batttlegroup. - not started
- French Goumier Platoon - not started
- An Australian Platoon plus supports for the desert/Crete, etc - completed.
- WW2 German Gebirgsjaeger and remaining Two platoons of winter infantry - not started
- Cavalry for the Seven Years War/Jacobite Rebellion - completed
- Napoleonic Spanish artillery and more cavalry - not started
- 1800 French in Egypt - double up the unit size from 12 to 24 - not started
- French Revolution - Cisapline legion troops - not started
- More Crusader baggage and Saracen cavalry - not started
- Imperial Croat cavalry and Polish pancerni - not started
- WW1 odd bits and pieces - not started
Exploiting the 3D resin printer
- Completing my Japanese forces for Pacific/Burma, by printing a selection of suitable vehicles to hopefully cover various 1941-1945 campaigns. - underway - a whole range of tanks, vehicles and guns have been printed
- Gradually replacing poorly cast or moulded models with new resin prints - underway - in the latest print run I printed replcements for my existing Somua S35's
- LVTs and any other extra vehicles so I can carry out Pacific beach landing games - underway - LVT's printed
- Test printing of 20mm figures - Carried out, seems feasible, need to decide on approach
- Components for buildings, doors, windows, shutters etc. - not started
- Try some 1/100 moderns for NorthAG - not started
- More vehicles for "Setting the East Ablaze" - underway - Lanchester armoured cars completed, still need trucks
Reinforcements for Dunsterforce
A couple of Lanchester armoured cars, quite simply finished
These are resin prints and one of my original Austins behind, they are nice models but I did manage to print one to almost 1/56 scale first by failing to check the scaling.