WW2 French Goumiers
Do I really need these, no but they are a nice different unit for WW2. These were Morrocan tribal units recruited by the French.
There was no clear low level organisation for the Goumiers that I could find so I settled on a platton equivilent with three ten man squads and a four man command team including a French NCO.
These are partly equipped by the British and US, but still wear their characteristic coats
WW1 French tanks
Now for some really colourful tanks, a Renault Schneider CA1 and a Saint-Chamond. both are 3D printed and have been scaled up from 1/200 to 1/76.
8The most obvious flaws in scaling are the hotchkiss machine guns, which are quite crudely modelled so that they are robust in 1/200.
WW2 French reinforcements
Yet again, problems have slowed progress, but the bulk of my extra French are completed. Most of these bring my forces up to the strength required for the Rapid Fire Blitzkeig scenarios.
Renault R35s and an AMR-ZT3
Hotchkiss H39s with the long barrelled 37mm gun
Somua S35s, originally I only planned to add 1 but they were so much nicer than my original models I produced 4.
8The final tank a Char B1 bis - all looks Ok
But the other side shows the effect of uncured resin leaking out from inside and this is after repair!
Draining the resin, I have done this to all the tanks and about 50% contained uncured resin.
The guns etc, will be shown later, once I have finished their crews, etc.
I have made a start on draining the LVTs, but my minidrill failed and I have only just received a new one.
On the workbench - May 2022
Well my youngest daughter has arrived home after several years in New Zealand, so I can forsee various family events interupting my painting. As previously mentioned decorating had a bigger effect on my output than expected, but at least I managed 5 out of 6 in the Wargames Forum 30 day kit build challenge, which was not in my plan
There are a couple of PSC RSOs with resin printed tracks, an Italeri Kubelwagen and Opel Blitz, and a Zvezda Bofors gun for my BEF. The fail was the Airfix Bofors tractor, again for the BEF.
So my plan is to continue with what remains from my April plan
So my plan is to continue with what remains from my April plan
- German FJ heavy weapons
- Paint WW1 & WW2 French vehicles,etc. that I have just printed
- Paint WW2 US LVTs
- Strelets French Goumiers and Field Kitchen
- Hat WW2 French gun crews
- Plus finish the final kit from the challenge and paint them
WW2 British reinforcements
Manage to complete painting my 3D printed WW2 British before the end of the month.
A pair each of Daimlers and White scout cars for my armoured car regiment
Yet more Matilda mark 1s I now have enough for the new Rapid Fire Arras scenarios
and their bigger brothers the mark 2 with the distinctive raised suspension and skid trail used by the BEF vehicles
A pair of Morris CS9 armoured cars
18/25 pdr guns and limbers, the guns are PSC with 3D printed wheels