Cossacks and Pancerni
I had originally intended to use the Redbox Ukrainian Cossacks as Thirty Years War Croats, but given they dominantly have bows I have kept them as Cossacks. I have seperated out the dominantly armoured figures to use as Polish Pancerni.
Scottish schiltron
Always a bit slow with these with the varied colours in use. A couple more pike blocks built with the Strelets figures.
They look even better combined into with my older figures into one big pike block.
More airborne bits
Some extras that were mostly printed at the same time as the gliders
A Tetrarch light tank, just what is needed for Normandy, with a choice of turrets.
A trio of M22 Locusts, for Operation Varsity.
The wrecked jeep and trailer have been based up. Behind is a Dodge WC63, I did need another one for my US ground forces, though this does seem rather low on its wheels
A bit too late - US para jeeps
I gave up painting these before the game as I realised I had no chance of finishing them in time.
They are 3D resin prints and the vehicles come already crewed
The inclusion of a damaged jeep was a nice touch
With the new orbats I may need to print a few more.
Eindhoven to Veghel 1944 big game
Over Easter a selected band of Rapid Fire players gathered to play a big game covering the area of operation of the 101 Airborne division in Market Garden 1944. This covered the road route between Eindhoven and Veghel. I am pleased to say that the US players under my command captured all the bridges intact, while the Welsh Guards took Eindhoven. We were set for victory but held to a draw by Panzer Brigade 107 managing to regain a toe hold in Eindhoven.
Overall, a great two days gaming played in fine style and fitting that it finished with a draw.
A dump of pictures that I took. (I'll try and add captions)
Overall, a great two days gaming played in fine style and fitting that it finished with a draw.
A dump of pictures that I took. (I'll try and add captions)
Progress against plan Q1 2023
A good start to the year with 610 items completed so all going well on the "Great tidy-up", and compared against specific targets I set
So with this in mind I will:
1. Rationalise my Terrain, upgrading or replacing any unsuitable items
So with this in mind I will:
- Rationalise my Terrain, upgrading or replacing any unsuitable items - not started
- Retouch/Rebase as many figures as possible. - underway with the Zulu War
- Attempt to complete all the figures in the stash that have a clear fit with my current plans - underway
- Clear out all unwanted items - had a first purge on ebay
1. Rationalise my Terrain, upgrading or replacing any unsuitable items
- Wooden Fencing needs either upgraded or replaced
- Hills, I have too many of the wrong sizes
- Rivers need expanded
- Wadi/Depression edges need created
- Zulu Wars - delayed from last year - British completed
- Dark Ages
- Russian Civil War
- possibly Napoleonic British
- Finish the WSS - Completed all that Strelets have produced so far - but hopefully they may produce more
- Scottish schiltron - underway
- More "Cossack" infantry & cavalry
- Baggage camels for the Crusades, Sudan, etc. - bought the relevant STL files and test printed them
- Replace my old Napoleonic French Dragoons - Completed
- Napoleonic Spanish infantry for skirmish games
- 28mm ECW cavalry
- Assess each existing period, army, and units to consider if I am really going to use them
- Reduce the figure stash from 4 crates to 3 - underway - some sold on ebay
- ways to produce matching 20mm figures & smaller equipment to complete my Napoleonic and other armies
- components for houses and other terrain
- work on how to make/modify files to meet my specific needs
- Play at least one WW2 Sicily game as is is the 80th anniversary this year
- I would like to try Dresden 1813 as it is the 210th anniversary
- Attend as many shows as possible - managed Vapanartak and Hammerhead so far
On the workbench - April 2023
Well, a reasonable start to the year, but now some disruption due to family commitments etc. But I did manage to print a batch of Zulu shields along with the other bits and also a diversion onto creating gliders. So a slight reduction in pace and working on
- Six assorted US airborne jeeps, M22 Locust tanks and a WC62 that I started at the same time as the gliders
- Two units of Thirty Years War Croats
- one unit of Polish Pancerni
- Roman construction
- Roman prison wagon
- then as time permits start work on adding shields to my old Zulus where they are missing (Italeri never provided enough) and rebasing them
Coming to a LZ near .....?
So a slight change to plan and I have four US Waco gliders ready to fly into action.
Luckily I had enough paint as Amazon failed to deliver it (well the one it had at a sensible price rather than double RRP)
The decals were by Xtradecal and I now have a lot of large US decals left from the set.