
Triples 2007

Another year and back to Triples at Sheffield again. A welcome revisit after missing last years event with medical problems. I was there with the "lads" from Deeside Defenders/Chester/Wrexham and I'd commited to helping out on the Lance & Longbow stand.

So what did I think?
  • The bring and but was a mess, our room was opposite and I watched the snails pace of the queue waiting to hand in their wares. The usual preditors were on the prowl picking up any bargins before any ordinary punters got a look in. In general this needs a complete rethink, perhaps a flea market approach might work given the space available on the site as a whole.
  • The demo games were nothing special, the Italian wars game was good eye candy, but I bet a lot of people missed the Curtis brothers (Curtleys/Ist Corps) game put on by them as the demo game by the L&L. The figures were stunning.
  • On the trade stands there was very little to inspire me. Even though I'm a hardened plastic figure player, I normally find inspiration from their big metal bretheren. Milicast as usual tempted me with their resin vehicles but they always look too fragile to use in wargames and the price is a bit to much to tempt me. UTB had a very nice 100mm Russian AT gun, just the job for dealing with Tiger IIs, but I'll have a look at how common they were in wartime use before investing in them.
  • I met lots of people I knew and had a great time discussing wargames, wargaming and life in general
  • Downsides - not being able to drink more nice beer due to my medication (perhaps not always a downside) and an noisy overpriced hotel room
What did I buy? (Not a lot as it turned out)
  • Some Tumbling dice ECW lobsters to boost the numbers in my TYW armies. I just bought the riders, the fact that the pack of 11 riders and horses had the same horse was the deciding factor
  • HaT Alexandrian Thracians - for my first outing of my Macedonian army I just used my Thracians from my hoplite greek army armed with just javelins. The 2HCW seems to be available to this army, and needed, hence the purchase
  • HaT WW1 Russians - yet more figures for the RCW, especially for the coloured regiments
  • SHQ Panzerfausts and tellermines - With plastic figures I'm missing a number of panzerfausts in the units and these are an easy way to add them.
  • More Ironclad miniatures foxholes and weapons pits. I bought a nice wooden pillbox, but checking once I returned home my MG bases just don't quite fit inside. They had some nice concrete versions as well, just the job for beach defences.
  • Some Vallejo paints to try as my Humbrol acrylics are running out and I'm not that convinced about GW which are easily available.
  • Revell WW1 French (from the B&B) - I had hunted high and low for these when I needed some MG teams for my WW2 French and eventually bought some metal ones from SHQ. I couldn't remember if I needed any more so I bought them. If not WW2 then I'll use them for RCW.

Finally thanks to Pete for the lift there and back


Some more on Triples here


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