
Current wargames rules used

Over the years I have used various rules, here are the ones I currently use with my figures:

20/25mm ancients - WRG 6th (Considering using WAB)

6mm Ancients - all based as 15mm but with 4x the figures for DBA.

20mm New World - various skirmish sets, nothing settled yet,

20mm TYW - my own variant on DBM (before DBR was released) and tried the TYW version of Warmaster published by the P&SS US equivalent.

6mm ECW - all based as 15mm but with 4x the figures for DBR

25mm ECW - for 1644 or WECW

20mm SYW - my own rules (see Free wargames rules)

20mm AWI - my own rules (see Free wargames rules)

20mm Napoleonics - still trying to find to right set that provides the flavour of the period, uses big armies, but on modular bases for ease of playing. Given I have over 4,000 figures finding a set that doesn't require major rebasing or changes in unit sizes is important.

20mm ACW - still using Fire and Fury

20mm Western Gunfight - Rules with no name.

20mm Colonial - my own Zulu war rules (see Free wargames rules)

6mm WW1 - still unused - and looking for some rules

20mm WW1 - similar but thinking of modifying

20mm RCW - Red Actions from the Perfect Captain (has the flavour of the period and some nice mechanisms)

20mm Colonial/Rif - various skirmish sets, not yet settled on a single set yet.

20mm WW2 - Rapid Fire dominantly, though I do have hankerings for our old Bath Wargames Society Rules.

6mm WW2 - mostly used for solo games so my own simple rules.

20mm Vietnam - tried various rule sets, still to settle on the right one.

20mm late C20 wars/actions still working on the figs, but a variant of AK47 is the favourite so far

Ancient Naval - still using LWS rules with hexes

ACW naval - Andy Callan's rules, but using a hex cloth

WW1 Naval - still not used yet

I do use other rules, but with other peoples figures.


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