
On the workbench - October

Where to begin?, September has been a bit of a disrupted month with jury service, trading figures and a delivery from Harfields. So what are my plans (hopes) for painting/completing this month?
  • Finish the Maya, they have been slowly progressing with my usual problems with painting irregulars, but I'm on the last leg now, just a final push, honest!
  • Macedonian elephants, the beginnings of the extras needed to create successor armies
  • More WSS Austrian infantry, hopefully three more infantry regiments, which should leave me with just a hussar regiment needed for my Imperial army at this stage.
  • Some sort of Ottoman rabble, probably orientated toward the Cairo militia v's the French in Egypt
  • Some tartars to support my renaissance cossacks, I saw this done on Phil Olleys blog, and I've got enough in a box of mongols I had previously considered swapping, so this now leaves only the heavy cavalry spare.
  • Assemble and paint the couple of Pegasus German trucks.
  • More work on tidying up my Napoleonic Prussians, including adding some guns and limbers.

The other action is to continue trading so I hopefully convert my stock of "undesirables" into "needed" figures, watch the trading department for details

1 comment:

  1. Love the video of the windmill on Phil's page...! :o))

    He's a seriously talented painter...
