
Medieval Field Artillery

Once in a while a plastic figure set is produced that really sets a standard that is hard to beat. Zvesda has done it repeatedly with their artillery sets and their Medieval Field Powder Artillery is no exception. It's a superb set providing (from L to R) a Ribaudquin, a Serpentine and a Veuglaire. Plus a very nice looking limber, but I'm quite suspicious of this as I thought harnessing in tandem only became common in the middle C18.

I've based the guns for use in 6th edition, luckily they all fitted well on a 40mm wide frontage, and I just picked a suitable depth to fit. I can see some fun games ahead with this lot, especially if Zvesda bring out more HYW figures, as I'm already tempted by the French Infantry, which has a good selection of proper infantry poses, not dominated by dismounted knights (It's not been reviewed on PSR yet)



  1. You're right - they are brilliant.. very evocative...

  2. You're right - they are brilliant.. very evocative...
