
With Desaix in the Desert v0.2

I've just uploaded a copy of the latest draft of the rules onto esnips at link. I'll be playing another test game again on Thursday

If this link works OK then I'll share some more rules, etc this way.



  1. Will
    I downloaded your rules without problem. It seems like my dromadaires will have a figt!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. ...are you up for comments?? If yes, read on, if not, pls ignore!

    Spello in the "Header" for each page - sorry, nit picking...

    Forming square - my reading is that usually each regiment would form it's own square?? Suggest allowing any British of French unit to form square - single unit would be as per column formation except one bases faces one way, and the other base faces opposite? Two or more would be variations of the example you give?

    No British toops mentioned in "Troop Characteristics"? same as French Line?

    In the Morale section is the intent to also add the "unit’s basic morale" to the dice throw (and any bonuses from an officer being with the unit)?

    Impetuous units - really like this rule (wondering if I can port it to the Sudan rules...) Not sure what is meant by "+1 if another impetuous unit is nearer the closest enemy" is that the same as saying 'add one if there is another friendly impetutous unit brtween me and the enemy unit I am testing to charge'?

    Melee - +4 for being in square may be a little "light"?? Using cavalry charging as an example, then +2 for cavalry, +2 for charging cavalry, and +1 for impetuous means that the cavalry would be odds on to win, or evens if not impetutous (??)

    Nice rules... deadly really as they could fit the Sudan very nicely, and with little modification!

  3. Rafa, thanks for the feedback, and I do need to add the dromadaires to the list of units. I've not bought any yet so I haven't rushed


  4. Steve, thanks for the feedback, normally as I play a new version I find updates, but making it wider seems to be useful at getting more feedback.

    I hadn't worked out single unit squares yet, the reason being their poor performance in some actions (I am talking about small squares less than battalion size)

    British characteristics, not though through yet, but I'll probably give them the same as the French plus a +1 for firing to give them the extra edge.

  5. In the Morale section is the intent to also add the "unit’s basic morale" to the dice throw (and any bonuses from an officer being with the unit)?

    I've kept with the original logic as per the Charlie Wissencraft rules and only provided a benefit once, in this case during firing, but not in rallying from shaken or rout. The effect of the general is not included in being shaken from fire, so it does get included in the morale tests.

  6. Not sure what is meant by "+1 if another impetuous unit is nearer the closest enemy" is that the same as saying 'add one if there is another friendly impetutous unit between me and the enemy unit I am testing to charge'?

    It comes from my Zulu rules and covers the case where the the other impetuous unit can be approaching from a different direction.

    Note that the impetuous unit does not have to be in charge range to test, being under artillery fire may cause this,

  7. Melee - +4 for being in square may be a little "light"?? Using cavalry charging as an example, then +2 for cavalry, +2 for charging cavalry, and +1 for impetuous means that the cavalry would be odds on to win, or evens if not impetutous (??)

    Probably correct, This area has still not had a clear test yet, the infantry will get to fire as the cavalry come in so they may well become shaken. I did decide not to include impetuous as a morale boost because of this being included in combat and to reduce the chance of pressing home the attack.

  8. Nice rules... deadly really as they could fit the Sudan very nicely, and with little modification!

    I have to admit the common origins of rules here. My Zulu rules were based upon "Pony Wars" and Peter Gilder Gilder used the same ideas for his Sudan games.
