Well I found a few gaps in the Italian transport for the big game, so here are my latest additions
A couple of staff cars using the Attack Tatra T57 Kubelwagen which are fairly generic military staff cars and similar to those used by the Italians. I still need some crew. It's not the easiest of kits to make up with quite a bit of flash and the parts didn't always fit without some adjustment.
An Attack Phantomen Granit 25H Ambulance, I needed a radio vehicle for my Artillery Regiment and I couldn't find anything more suitable. Rather than used the glazed windows I just added plasticard behind the windows.
Finally two more Camionetta Desertica artillery tractors, again crew needed, but not essential for the game.
I'm still missing one truck, but I'll use a capture Bedford 15cwt to make up the numbers
I'm now a bit behind as I took a last minute holiday in Austria, but there was nothing of military interest this time, just some nice ideas for my C18 buildings.
Welcome back - and I like the tractors especially..