
On the workbench - October 2008

Well the HYW archers are well in progress but they will still take quite a bit of time before they're finished. Other items I plan to work on are
  • Two units of Prussian Landwehr Cavalry - one unit will be the 3rd Silesian (using polish lancer figures) and the other I haven't decided yet, but will use the Hat Prussian Dragoon figures.
  • Two units of "Austrian" Dragoons for the Revolutionary wars, one will be Austrian Dragoons in Bicorne and the other will be a Frundsberg regiment.
  • A background job, just adding colours when I feel inclined (or remember) is the Strelets Medieval Britain set (the source of the bishop in a previous blog)
  • Finally, another set of ACW limber horses and riders. Typically as I put the newly completed limbers away, I found another painted limber in the bow without a horse team.

The 3rd Silesian Landwehr Cavalry link comes from the Mont St Jean site, a most amazing resource for those interested in the armies at Waterloo.


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