
Krupp Protze

Finished this batch of extra early war Germans on Christmas Day, but this has been the first chance to take pictures. I bought a pair of Eidai Krupp protze a few months back, as I need them as tows for my 37mm's. The reason for the purchase was that the Matchbox set only provides the truck version and not the protz (limber) version. Unfortunately only one complete kit was available, but some parts from another set were included and this included the protz part. Since I had two unassembled Matchbox kits I decided to fit the Eidai protz parts to them. It turned out the Eidai kit was larger and I ended up having to trim down the parts to fit and in retrospect it would have been easier to have scratch built the parts. The other unfortunate part was that I copied the Eidai model so I have incorrectly modelled the rear of the vehicle.
Front row left and right the converted Protz and centre the Eidai truck version.
Rear row a additional Panzer IV plus a reconditioned old model (both Airfix) and a Panzer Jaeger I (Fujimi)
I still need to add some crews to the vehicles.

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