
Merry Christmas

Well, after all the anticipation it was a good Christmas for presents.  The dominant theme this year was aircraft, plus a scattering of goodies for other periods.
  • Revell Me 110
  • Hobbyboss MIG 3
  • Hobbyboss Hurricane
  • Airfix Auster (I need this for the SOTCW game next summer)
  • HaT Chariots & Warrior Queen (not sure exactly how to use three warrior queens!)
  • HaT Mounted Infantry (at long last a chance to upgrade my Airfix conversions)
  • The Battle of Paoli by Thomas J. McGuire
  • Gods & Generals DVD
  • Osprey Campaign - Austerlitz, Aspern/Wagram & Lutzen/Bautzen (should fire up my Napoleonics again)
I hope everyone else did as well


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