
Hungarian Insurrection Infantry

Rather an unusual unit, the Hungarian diet refused to raise any Landwehr, but rather agreed to raise the Insurrection for 3 years. They put in a very poor performance at Raab in 1809, but why is that a reason for not having a unit of them? Especially as I had some Hat Brunswickers that needed to be used somehow.

Strictly the unit should have tight Hungarian trousers rather than the loose ones shown here, but for recently raised troops I'm not sure all the uniform would be as per regulation. The flag is from warflag, but it is a Hungarian SYW colour and it makes the unit different and I'm sure old colours could have been reused for these units.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    A great idea for all those Brunswickerrs lying around!. HaT and the other manufacturers as well, seem to love the Brunswick infantry so you have found a real use for them!
