
On the workbench - December 2009

Well another year is almost over, it seems that time has flown since last Xmas, perhaps it's because of my age!! Anyway I've still got 8% of the year left and that means more painting.

Very much back on track with a definite plan for this month, but I'll see how much I achieve with family and friends visiting at various times during the month.
  • Finish the Conquistadores from last month - as I write the paint is drying on the bases, so they should be finished tomorrow
  • Waterloo Cannone da 149/40, a really big gun and crew for my Italians
  • Waterloo Italian infantry support group - a number of items to add to the forces and spruce up the army.
  • Zvezda Zaporozhian Cossacks - lovely figures just needed to be painted.
  • More WSS Cavalry - now I have received more from Harfields it's another push to paint enough for another game of Beneath Lily Banners in the new year I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Go, Will, go! Get that paintbrush moving.

    -- Jeff
