
Waller's Horse

Now for a shift in scale to 28mm, quite a major change for me. These have been lurking around the back on my painting table for quite a while while I tried to find details of Sir William Waller's early ECW army, that of the Western Association. Since little was around I've gone for a generic colour scheme, the only item marking out the units as Waller's Horse is the standard, which is the same as that used by the same unit in the Sealed Knot.
With 28mm I normally try to add some variation in tone to the large areas of plain colour, but instead I opted for using the GW wash and it worked OK on these. Figures are Warlord plastics.


  1. Will,

    Are these the Warlord plastics or a metal range? Very nice unit either way!


  2. They look good, Will. Nice to see some ECW troops.

    -- Jeff

  3. Very nice those, Will. Thanks for posting a photo of them.
    I've been fancying some of these for some time and have decided to take the plunge.After all a box would make a nice Fathers Day gift from that lad of mine.


  4. Bill, yes they are the warlord plastics, the cavalry are very good, but the infantry pikemen are less so.

    Jeff,once I clear th two gomes hopefullly I'll get on with the rest of them.

    Paul, I really like your grenadiers, one of my future plans is to create a proper SYW Frundsberg army, especially a yellow coated grenadier regiment.

  5. Thanks Will,
    it was actually your Frundsberg General in Austrian service that put the idea into my head in the first place.
    Since the army's flags were yellow anyway,I went for that uniform.


  6. That is a change of scale - a forerunner of more ECW units for a project perhaps?????

  7. Steve, yes there is another regimen of horse and two regiments of foot waiting for assembly and painting.

  8. Will,

    A question or two about the Warlord Cavalry. Assuming that Wargames Factory is able to release their "generic" WSS Infantry later this summer (which I believe they will), and their "generic" Cavalry sometime after, and assuming that they are compatible with the Foundry/Perry "standard" in size, what would you think of the Warlord Cav as Bavarian or Imperial Cuirassiers? Are there enough helmeted heads for all 12? How many torso's have tassets and B&B?

    Thanks - Bill

  9. Hi Bill, there are basically 4 different torsos per sprue and 3 sprues to a pack, two figures are just in buff coats, one with B&B and tassets and one with B&B.

    Their are enough helments for all twelve figures. So basically 3 figures per pack. If you carve off the tassets you get another 3figures. The others might convert if you can glue some very thin copper wire around the waists and arms to delineate the cuirass.

    This then leaves the other problem, the cuffs, which need built up either with green stuff or thin plasticard wrapped around the arms.

    Hope this helps


  10. That's exactly what I needed. Thanks as always Will! If I end up going with some of the WF figures (and I think I probably will), it might be worth converting a unit or two of Cuirassier. Take care.

