
Britcon 2010

Well, we had a great couple of days gaming with Mongols v's Poles at Britcon. Unfortunately my daughter nicked my camera, so I don't have any pictures of the wonderful figures from Curteys used for the game. Luckily? I've been sent a team photo, just missing Michael Curtey who umpired the game and was busy selling figures at the time.

I'm on the left, but I'll let the others remain anonymous.

We fought the game twice over the two days and on both occasions the result could have swung either way. Days 1 was historical deployment and day 2 as wished. Of course on day 2 we applied our learnings from day 1 but had swapped sides.

Otherwise, I failed to sell my old Minifigs ECW figures, acquired the Warlord Cuirassiers and failed to keep an eye on the Field of Glory (napoleonic) game on a nearby table, which was of interest.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    All look very happy and pleased. Surey it was a good day!
