It has been difficult to find any names, but one troop will be Captain Rawlins of 50 men and horses that Keynsham had to support for 4 weeks at a cost of £70.
The other is a troop raised by John Ashe of Freshford a prominant local Parlimentarian. "He raised, armed and for many weeks paid a troop of horse a company of foote and a company of dragoons for ye service of ye west country, before ye contribution was in anyway settled for ye payment of soldiers in those parts. . . and paid for powder, match and bullet expended by them all, which cost him above £3,000"
The flags (cornets) came from the Dux Humunculorum blog with some adjustment to fit
On the left is the various spare figures that I will use as skirmishers, but I haven't decided how to base them yet.
They look good, Will. Who made the figures?
ReplyDelete-- Jeff
Sorry Jeff, I failed to add that they were Warlord plastics like all the army so far, except the generals.
Great looking units. Nice to see variation of colours for the horses as well.