
Derby booty

I was was at the Derby show on Saturday and spent most of the day on the Lance & Longbow stand, still, it's quite useful to be in one place so other people can find you, so it was useful to meet a number of old friends and also meet some new faces from the forums I visit.

I did manage to get away for a short time, but I didn't find any bargains on the B&B so I had to get my fix from the traders. Even then I didn't find everything I wanted.

First off two packets of Zvezda Dragoons of Peter the Great, lovely figures, but I've some concerns. Firstly most of the dragoon horses are identical, which reduces the variety and secondly the plug in arms, which yet again done fit all that well. I de-sprued one packet to get a better look and to consider my options. The officer and one other figure (left) will be used for a command base; the dismounted figures and horse holders (centre) will provide the extra dismounted dragoons I need; finally there is enough mounted figures (right) to provide another mounted regiment.

I also went along and bought the figures that had been tempting me ever since the York show, the Plastic Soldier 20mm Russians. Again I got one sprue out of the packet and assembled them, they went together so easily and look tremendous. Trouble is I have an awful lot of Russians already so I need to consider carefully how I will use them. I'll probably paint up these few and then wait until the support weapons appear before making a final decision.

A long term project is to build a Afrika Korps force for Rapid Fire and one major requirement is for lots of Kubelwagens, so I made a start by buying these ready assembled and painted ones from Skytrex.

Finally I also picked up a cheap packet of Revell SYW Austrians for my next Frundsberg project

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