
Warboot - Stockport

Well Warboot was a tale of two halves. On the negative I sold very little of my stuff because of the regular curse of Warboot, not enough buyers. On the positive I bought two Airfix Bren carriers, another German recon set, a pair of Stugs, a Matchbox 251/1 and a SM79.

Then nearing the close of business I picked up over 50 painted vehicles (below) at a very good price, I now need to decide what to do with them all! some I'll add to my 1/76 collection and the rest I'll sell/trade to cover my petrol and table costs.

It was also nice to meet up with a lot of friendly faces, and regret taking sandwiches when the smell of cooking bacon wafted through the room.


  1. Bacon sandwiches!!!!! Why did you write that!!?? Over here the bacon is C**P! Whenever I visit the Uk I stuff myself with bacon sannies untill I get dizzy! :-)

  2. So did you spend more than you sold which is never that bad a thing.

  3. Good to meet you there Will.

