
On the workbench - February 2011

With the exception of a few colonial casualty bases I've cracked through my January workload in fine time, so it's time to move on to my latest target. It's quite ambitious and I suspect it will take more than February to get them all completed, but here goes:
  • SYW Bavarian Infantry (4 x 24 fig battalions)
  • SYW Bavarian Grenadiers (24 fig battalion)
  • SYW Bavarian Cavalry (2 x 8 fig squadrons) - I know they didn't fight, but they did in the WAS - I'm also trying to find out details of their Hussars in the WAS, Knotel only shows an officer in 1747.
  • SYW Bavarian Artillery (4 guns and crews plus 2 limbers)
  • plus some command and casualty bases
  • finally some SYW black grenadiers for my imagi-nation.
So a big list, but difficult to break down into smaller chunks as they'll start off as big batches and then gradually shift over to work on individual battalions and squadrons.


  1. I just like to be ambitious, all now sorted, washed and beginning the undercoating.

  2. Will,

    I have no idea why (old age?), but I first posted this under your thread on the Zvezda Germans.

    Unfortunately, Hoffman's "Army of the Blue King" only goes slightly beyond the WSS. I checked both OMM and Caliver and it seems that there is a book that only OMM list in stock specifically on the Bavarians in the WAS. It is:

    1-49859 Manley, Stephen WAR OF AUSTRIAN SUCESSION:V9 Danish & German State 8.5x11, uniform details of line Infantry/Cavalry,Artillery/Support troops, b/w drawings for Denmark, Hanover, Bavaria, Paltinate, Saxony, and Hesse.1 vol, 44 pgs 2002 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
    NEW-softcover ......$12.00

    Sorry I can't be of more assistance.


  3. Bil, after much searching I found the information, somewhere I forgot to look at in the first place, "The Leuthen Journal" Ionnis has posted a number of Knotel plates including the Hussar Corps Count "Piosasque" in 1755
