
Legation Walls - WIP

Been stuck in a bit of a modelling rut as various projects have stalled for one reason or another. On Thursday at the club, Pete and I had a quick check of the plans for the Boxer game planned for the SOTCW at Gauntlet(*) this summer.

preparing for this at least spurred me into action and here is progress so far on the legation walls

Pete also posted a version over on the SOTCW events blog containing his figures.

The walls are basic foamboard, these were quite rough on one side so I made a virtue of this and added some vegetation over the rougher areas. Tiling is just a strip of corrugated card.

The main effort is adding the firing steps, I've added two sorts so far a timber frame and banked up earth, but I will also add a stone step to the others, but this can be removable.

Result of the test was I now have a clear plan of what is needed, which is about triple what I have done so far. This will also include gates into the legations and also some broken sections.

* Gauntlet will be held on 2/3 July at Broughton Wings Club, Chester CH4 0DR. Unfortunately there are problems with the club website at the moment.


  1. A nice building work!

  2. They look fantastic! I might copy those for my Roman scenarios.

  3. Anonymous20/3/11 12:07

    Thanks for the tip on tiling the walls - will also work for Spanish roofs. I have been looking for this solution for over a year - many thanks

  4. You've done a great job on the walls they look great!

  5. Those look nice. I'm planning to build a hacienda (as one does) and this sort of idea might be just the ticket!
