
Beaufighter in the Aegean

The second plane for this year's big game is a Beaufighter from 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron, shown passing some ships. The pictures I have show no squadron letters (XT) only the aircraft letter.

1/72 Aircraft by Airfix, 1/1200 ships in the background (also Airfix)


  1. Very nice, well done.


  2. Shamelessly posed - and why not? I have fond memories of the Airfix Beaufighter - I recall building at least two (one as part of a 'Dogfight Doubles' set with a Bf109G. I also remember the Matchbox version which I think was a longer-nosed variant.

  3. My Dad (who is now 91!) was a Beaufighter Navigator on 211 Squadron and flew operations against the Japanese in Burma throughout 1944. I therefore have a great fondness for this model having made at least two for him over the years. On 211 Squadron the aircraft also only had a single identification letter on the fuselage. Your model is very nicely done as always!

    There's a little piece about my Dad on the 211 Squadron website http://users.cyberone.com.au/clardo/da_spencer.html

  4. Very nice, photo. I always liked the Beaufighter. Reading an autobiography by one pilot I discovered the 5" rockets they fired against shipping had solid iron warheads. Given the velocity they travelled at, I suppose explosive heads would've been academic.

  5. Nice Camo.......Wonderfull job and a very nice Pic.

  6. A very neat piece of work, Will.

