
On the workbench - February 2012

A month of solid progress on the Paras needs a final push(?) to get the majority fixed, so I'll work on adding the missing MGs, mortars, AT guns and Reece vehicles.

So what else?
  • The Festes-Haus zu Ransbach (by popular request, and I'm quite interested to see how it turns out)
  • Continue work on the various WW2 vehicles (currently the frame aerials are proving problematic)
  • A "proper" camp using the Bellona tents
Then there is the Vapnartak show in York this weekend where the L&L will be refighting Ravenna 1512 (500th anniversary)


  1. Will,

    If you ever run across the old Bellona "Redan" redoubt, and you don't need it for yourself, please let me know. I had one years ago and let it get away, would love to have another one!


  2. Bill, I think there might have been a Redan in the box with the tents, if I see the seller again I'll ask


  3. What sort of "tariff" was the seller looking for? Please e-mail me off-line and we can discuss further. Thanks - Bill
