
Highs and Lows

Yes, it's been a fun weekend over at Deeside Defenders with the Club gaming weekend, but the highs and lows were not directly wargaming, but

a) deciding it was time to "invest" in more figures from Harfields as no one seems to stock much in the way of 20mm plastics at the shows anymore.

b) My trusted anglepoise that has given over thirty years service has packed up so I'll need to sort out some decent lighting to replace it. Luckily today it was sunny and just warm enough to work outside.

AS for the weekend, mainly boardgaming on Saturday and I ran a very strange WSS Black Powder game on Sunday, can't remember when I last saw such extreme results and there wasn't a single blunder rolled. Typically I forgot to take any pictures, but hopefully one of the other club members will post their's shortly so I'll add a link.

Pictures of the weekend are now up on the club Facebook page


  1. Anonymous16/4/12 21:02

    Sorry to hear of the demise of the anglepoise...sound silly but after years of trusty service I find I miss things like that!

  2. Hope you're planning to give the anglepoise a good send-off? Burning Viking ship outside the club premises sounds about right.

  3. Nah, sold off my Viking ships at the first Gauntlet, don't you remember?

  4. I was also brought to the comments page by the sad news of your lamp's demise, i too lost one after years...IKEA do a decent version as a replacement but it has a very dodgy clap base, not the good old lump of cast-iron I took from my dead one!

  5. Maverick, yea, I've a replacement on order, a saga will follow, but I'm keeping my old one to until then, just in case.
