
DAK Flak

Seems to be taking me ages to finish things at the moment as I keep getting distracted. However after a long period on the workbench is a Horsch(?) mounting a 20mm flak. It was quite a crude resin kit picked up at Crewe last year with a Zvezda 20mm flak added. The crewman are just the Zvezda figures with head swaps.

Behind is a Caesar Sdkfz 10 with a 20mm flak, a really fiddly kit to assemble. I thought it would be easy because it had assembled track units to replace the link and length version. The crewmen provided are very generic figures and not really usable as crew for the gun/vehicle, which was quite disappointing.

Also completed were a Stower 40 staff car from Cromwell (another Crewe purchase) and an Airfix kubelwagen.

WARNING - the assembly of the flak 30 on the Caesar kit is wrong. - check pictures of the real gun before attempting to assemble it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Will - excellent ;) don't worry too much about productivity; I have seriously 'hit the buffers' and don't know when I'll get the urge back again...
