
2012 half year review

So half way through 2012 so a quick review of progress is needed (it’s a good moment to reflect on my targets and progress). Compared to plan in order of importance
  • WW2 DAK – completed quite a few vehicles, but all the figures still need to be painted.
  • WW2 British 8th Army - for the Alamein game I now know I’m only involved with 51st Highland Division, which needs very little extras. Therefore my main thrust has been to complete as much of the armour needed to be able to refight the scenarios in Monty’s desert battles.
  • Dervish Army – only started this recently, but got off to a cracking start, hopefully I’ll have enough to play some in a game in a month or so. My only concern is the lack of cavalry, but I’ll probably use a mixture of Strelets mamelukes (the plainer ones) and the commander figures from Waterloo 1815’s Dervishes.
  • Revolutionary Wars British for Egypt – well I’ve got the new Strelets figures so I just have wait for a window in my painting schedule.
  • Sort out the assorted Saracens so I can use Hail Caesar for Crusades games – not even started yet
  • Work on the British Airborne brigade – done with the exception of the AT and artillery, as I need the Waterloo 1815 British Paratroopers with Pack Howitzer, and it just missed my last order from Harfields
  • Clear out the rest of my medievals to make a Burgundian/German force – not started yet
  • Upgrade more terrain, especially walls and hedges – again not started.
In numbers it looks like a slow half year with only 594 items completed, compared to my norm of about 1,500 items, split by period:
  • WW2 – 388 items, numerically dominated by the British paratroops completed back at the beginning of the year, but also large numbers of desert vehicles
  • Colonial – 118 items all Dervish infantry
  • WW1 – 41 items, let myself get distracted with the Russian artillery guns
  • WSS -24 items, adding the limbers to complete my armies -again not in the plan
  • Terrain – 23 items, a camp, barbed wire and a single building
Overall there is a higher proportion of vehicles, which take more time, but now I just need to focus on the main tasks.

Of course what I failed to explicitly include in my targets was keeping the stash below 5,000, but typically it has crept up to over 6,600 items and I can’t see how culling will immediately help, so it’s on with the painting!


  1. I was going to keep a record of what I had painted etc this year..but it never happened :-D
    You can come nad help me paint some of my stash..30,000 plus to do.
    Nearly 600 items done in 6 months...That´s one heck of an achievement!!!

  2. I'm not a very "good painter" because I must have done about 200 items in 6 months !!
    I'm impressed by the production you have guys!.... and always in very high quality!
    Congrats and I wish you a lot of fun!

  3. Will;

    Just a thought, but you might look at HäT's Numidian Cavalry on different horses (or with a bit of conversion and green stuff) as the lighter, unarmored Dervish Cavalry. They are just basic tunic and shield, could easily have trousers painted-on, and have a hair style and features that might work. You would probably want to change out some shields, as what they all have now look a bit like hoplons.

    And, of course, there are various figures in the assorted "Saracen" and "Muslim" medieval sets that would work for armoured cavalry. You also might check SSM for Jack Alexander's old Jacklex line. They may be a bit small next to some of the newer 1/72nd stuff, but Jack did some very nice Sudan figures.

    Best regards as always;

