A couple of pictures of the Aztecs in action, overall it was 4-3 in the Aztecs favour.
The SOTCW Kursk game was getting a fair bit of attention
A nice bit of Sci-Fi scenary, quite simply done but gives a great effect.
Borodino in 15mm
Overall a great day out, but I was exhausted by the time I got home. Purchases were few:
- Some Solfig/Retrofig French figures bought as part of the SOGG charity sale.
- A box of Miniaerons Panzer Is - lovely models can't wait to start on these.
- A complete set of Italeri Operation Overlord - I've wanted to try the rules for a while now, and it was a bargain on the B&B, so the tanks and figures will go on my trades shortly.
Very nicely presented tables, especially the Kursk table: excellent stuff (give or take the obtrusive plastic tray). But I am impressed with the Mini-Borodino. I've often thought one could 'do' Borodino - or any large battle - without having recourse to thousands upon thousands of figures...