
Last of the British Paras?

At last, the transport is complete. I'm slightly annoyed that part way through the work I found out that the "Ready to Roll" Heavy weapons jeep had the cloverleaf containers moulded on them. Still I'm sure the scratch-building was good for my soul. So I now have three 6pdr tows and two 75mm howitzer tows all jeeps, then a pair of Morris C8s for the 17pdrs and finally a cut down Carrier.

Most of the figures are the bargain packs of AB Paras that I picked up at York. All of course laden with stowage from various sources.


  1. Very nice, looks like a wonderful body of transports. Your opponents are going to have to think fast to keep them in check!

  2. Very pretty sort of outfit. Nicely done.

  3. Excellent work - very effective!

  4. Wow they look good! There's something about Jeeps that really appeals...
