
Half year review

Well the first half of the year has flown by and I better review my progress against my plan

Main projects

  • Make a medieval Burgundian/German force – well underway, just paused for work for Gauntlet.
  • Sort out the assorted Saracens so I can use Hail Caesar for Crusades games – not yet started
  • A Jacobite army, mainly of Highlanders, but including some of the possible French reinforcements – completed the readily available figures, but I’ll revisit this once the Redbox figures are released in the UK

Possible projects

  • Upgrade my WW2 Americans – if rumours are correct The Plastic Soldier Company will be releasing Americans this year, so it would fit in with a clear out and general tidy up of my US forces for North West Europe. – US Infantry are out, just waiting for the heavy weapons before getting started.
Other activities
  • Complete the last bits of the British/US Airborne. – done except for the Polsten gun
  • Tidy up the last bits of the DAK/8th Army – still got bits and pieces still to do.
  • Late French armée d’orient (trying to make a few French demi-brigades with pretty uniforms and pouffes sound posh) – not even started
  • German/Italian/Hungarian forces for “Stalingrad” Eastern front winter game. – not even started
  • Try and play some large 1813 period Napoleonic games, especially as my armies were originally organised for this and this is the bi-centennial. – only Lutzen so far
  • Attempt to rationalise the stash again - watch my trading lists. – I am trying slowly, but acquiring a modellers heap didn’t help.

785 items painted so not bad progress for half way through the year

By period:
WW2 267
SYW 176
Napoleonic 144
Medieval 86
Colonial 40
Revolution 30
Ancient 19
Terrain 15
WW1 8

By type:
Infantry 445
Cavalry 100
Vehicle Riders 55
Gunners 41
Rework/Rebase 37
Vehicles 34
Tanks/AFVs 24
Terrain 15
Other figures 15
Artillery guns 12
Horses 4
Equipment 2
Wagons 1

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive. I'm not sure whether to be inspired or curl up into a ball. Keep up the great work.
