
More rebasing - German Engineers

Sorting a force for the 2nd Panzer is causing me no end of bother, as the new infantry figures are so much batter than the other units I was planning to use. The Engineers are a particular example, not just a simple rebase was needed but close to a complete repaint. They were originally painted in my impressionist period, e.g. paint grey apply a black wash then highlight any distinct items. So I checked all the orbats and added a few extra figures so I could make any of the Engineer units in the Rapid Fire lists. The figures are dominantly the Revell German Engineers with a few Italeri and Plastic Soldier added. The Mortar and MMG (somehow missing from the picture?) are only needed for late war so I used the Armourfast figures.

In the background are a couple of rebased Airfix 88mm, which have had Hasegawa crews added (I found them in a bag of odd figures I acquired)


  1. Great army Will! Excellent work!


  2. Very smart - I particularly like the 88's !

  3. Excellent. You can't have too many engineers and these look like a very business like unit. I'm very taken with your bases.

  4. Hi Will. Could you kindly confirm which colour do you use for geramn uniform? I generalky use valleio field grey but find it a little darker than your wonderfull engineers.thanks in advance

  5. Marfac, the German uniforms have been painted with Vallejo Field grey, but mixed with Humbrol white to lighten it. I think the ratio is about 3:1.

    I use the Humbrol as it has more binder than the Vallejo so it wears less in use.
