
WMMS - a good day out

Took quite a few pictures, but afterwards realised that I hadn't taken any of the Lance & Longbow game - Hedegely moor. and not many of the Zulu games was there three or four?

Society of Ancients - Montaperti, it's the theme for the next SOA battle day

Spot the Florentine bell tower!

An interesting Napoleonic what-if Danes v's Spanish

Friends from SOGG with a Hugoumont game

ECW action

WW2 Chain of Command

Napoleonic skirmish

Arab-Iraeli again with fello gamers from Deeside Defenders in the distance

Another medieval game, I like the backdrop

Zulus - one of many hordes

AWI action with Black Powder

Nice eye-candy

Another medieval/renaissance scrap using Pike & Shotte

Norway 1940

Battle of Falkirk, must get my Jacobites out to play again

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos helping me recall a good day out. I especially enjoy Dave Page's games every year (Norway 1940) and don't think he's ever done the same one twice!
