
Phalanx - my local show

Up bright and early and off to St Helens for the NW only wargames show Phalanx. By the time I'd booked by stuff into the B&B the rest of the gang arrived to set up the game. This time it was Hedgeley Moor 1464, one of the smaller actions of the War of the Roses.

They're off. my Lancastrian under the command of the Duke of Somerset head towards the Yorkists.

Approaching the crunch, for the first game the rules and the scanario came from Poleaxed. I got to involved in the action to take any more pictures, but a hard fight resulted leaving only Somersets retunue standing.

I drifted round the rest of the show and took some pictures of the other games, the lighting at Phalanx is its biggest fault shedding a yellow glare on everything.

Marston Moor


Where Eagles dare - part 2

Assault on a Coral Island, nice display, but nothing seemed to happen all day

Another medieval scrap

WW1 in 10mm Thiery-Chapelle I think

Round two of Hedgeley Moor and another Lancastrian victory, the rules used this time were Warmaster Ancients

Quite pleased to have sold a lot of my stuff on the B&B, and amazingly I didn't buy anything

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