
Christmas presents 2014

Not a lot of wargaming related presents this year, but an interesting bunch

  • The Schutztruppe, Askaris and Ruga-Ruga will be used to replace my aging German East Africa forces for WW1
  • The Huns, well I haven't decided yet, whether to use them as Huns with my Ancients or use them as Tartars with my Renaissance, I'm more tempted by the latter.
  • Turkish Cavalry and Artillery is sufficient to round off my Egyptian forces for the Sudan
  • The spanish army book should allow me to create some Spanish units for the AWI
  • Finally there is an Edwardian print of some fighting in Africa, my guess is Algeria in the 1840s, can anyone make a better guess?


  1. A goodly collection of presents. Can't help with the picture, but it is rather nice.

  2. Looks like Algeria to me.

    Those Chasseurs d'Afrique give the game away!

