
Ligny 1815 - umpires notes

Drawing on several sources of inspiration for the game here's what I used.

Surprise events 18 cards (one drawn per move at the beginning of the French phase)
First set
six cards all blank
Second set
shuffle the following
three blank cards - no effect
Three test army morale cards
First card = French test morale - We are betrayed - unknown enemy on their flank (any unit within 48" of the western table edge make an additional morale test on the start of their turn)
Second card = Prussian test morale - Wellington has deserted us (any unit within 48" of the western table edge make an additional morale test on the start of their turn)
Third Card = Unknown units arrive at the table edge roll D6 for what happens
1 = one unit of British Hussars (self order on 7, fail will result in one move back towards table edge)
2-4 two units of French Infantry (self order on 7, fail will result in one move back towards table edge)
5/6 Division (brigade) of French Infantry (commander = 7, fail will result in one move back towards table edge)
Final set
shuffle the following
four blank cards - no effect
Rainstorm – effects this and next move – no musketry and only short range artillery fire
Lobau arrives card - Old Guard infantry can be committed from the reserve (otherwise the Old Guard can only be committed on a D6 roll of 6, plus an order)

Command values
All commanders have value 8 unless specified otherwise
The Presence of Napoleon within 24" boost French command value up to 9
Blucher/Gneisenau = combined value of 8, however Blucher is aggressive and automatically applies a command value of 9 to any unit attempting to charge within 8". Blucher will accompany the charge. Until he returns Gneisenau acts as CinC with a value of 7.

Divisional (brigade) commanders act normally as per the rules, but must act within the constraints of their orders

As well as giving orders to individual units, senior commanders at Army/Corps level have to give orders to their Divisions and take a test to change their orders. If they blunder then their opponent can decide what the Divisional order will be!

Division orders
Hold/Defend - no more then half the command may move and only one unit can charge
March/Manoeuvre - No charges allowed, at least half the units in the command must move, +1 on command rolls. Movement must be towards the nearest enemy or in the direction defined by their commander,
Reserve - no movement allowed, but +1 on command roll to change orders.
Attack - At least half the units must move towards the enemy and at least one unit must charge if in reach of the enemy

Limits on Artillery firing
If a firing battery rolls two or more 6s then it is low on ammunition and uses one less dice when firing a second roll means it is out of ammunition. To recover the battery must retire to a ammunition caisson in the rear areas (out of artillery range).


Overall objective is to resist the French along the line of the Ligny brook until Wellington comes to your aid.
Per French brigade broken +2
Ligny held (no Prussians with 6") +5
St Armand held +4
Per charge made by Blucher +1
Blucher killed/captured -4

Overall objective is the overall destruction of the Prussian army, the Prussian reserves are to be drawn into combat around the villages so that D'Erlon's Corps can attack their rear and trap the lot.
per Prussian brigade broken +2
Ligny taken (no Prussians with 6") +5
St Armand taken +3
Napoleon killed /captured -5

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