
Fifty Crusaders

Hurrah, completed at last, delayed by the Shermans and then having a filthy cold. All the figures are Strelets, with the main mass of knights from their Mounted Crusaders in Oriental Dress backed up by Hospitalers and Templars from the Military Order Sergeants pack and a front rank of Turcopoles.

The Turcopoles are based so that a unit of four figures placed sideways can cover the same frontage as a closeorder cavalry unit of six.

Richard the Lionheart came from the Crusader Transport 1 set.

Now on with the Saracens and there are lots of them.


  1. Great paint job and splendid bases!

  2. Great work! Yes, middle east is not only WW2...

  3. They look great - really like the idea of turning those cavalry sideways!
