
Pictures from Vapnartak 2016

Unfortunately we couldn't run a participation game at the show for some reason, even though there was enough space and spare tables. So a strange feel to my first but still enjoyable wargames show of the year. As always I took some photas of games that interested me

Russian Civil War - last train to Bokhara?

The Alamo

Prestonpans?, though to me it seems to be a variant on their usual static game.

Kaffir wars - fought with Black Powder

Crusades - multiplayer game using Lion Rampant

Latin American wars of independence using 20mm figures (I saw this at Salute)

Romans v's Celts fought with Lion Rampant as the Druid had magical powers, spot the wicker man

A very modest group of purchases

  • Normandy Battlegames has been eagerly awaited and I've already read through it once and it has lots of interesting scenarios, but I'll have to sort out my terrain first as it uses a modular approach.
  • A bag of Strelets and Miniart medievals from the flea market to add a bit of variety to my last units of Airfix Robin Hood Archers
  • and a mortar to round off my Soviet Winter infantry


  1. Love the look of that RCW game - I'm a sucker for big bi-planes! :o)) The Alamo game has possibilities, but the attacking/Mexican units are very small?

  2. Those games look amazing, particularly the Alamo and RCW ones.

  3. Good looking games, may see some at other 2016 shows?
    Hope the RP Normandy book is good - on the to get list.
