
Pictures from WMMS

Lots of nice eye candy from the WMMS show this weekend. AS I was attending as a paying customer for once I had more chance to scan the traders and games for the things I liked.

Greeks v's Italians 1940

Marlburian action - lots of imspiration here.

Bolt Action WW1

Operation Uranus - Stalingrad 1942

Rapid Fire - I've forgotten which Normandy 1944 scenario was being played


ECW - Edgehill?

Flames of War

Figures from "The Wargame", really nice flats, presented in classic style

Russian v's French napoleonic

Another ECW period game, a skirmish participation game lots of nice touches

Hastings 1066

Some tempting buildings from Games of War shame they're 15mm

Another Marlburian game

Burgundians and Swiss come to blows

Inspiration for when I get around to painting Charles the Bold

View of the hall late in the day as the crowds begin to disperse

My booty, not a lot, but finding a pair of diecast M10s on the B&B was a great success


  1. Great find on the B&B. They look excellent. It was a good show and great to see you there. Charlie enjoyed the X-Wing game (won 1 lost 1).

    Cheers, Andy

  2. Should have taken a picture of Charlie playing X-Wing

  3. There's some mouth watering games there! I hope some of them make it to Salute...

  4. Thanks for posting the Games at the Convention Will and letting us see the quality of what goes on. We've not the numbers here in New South Wales and ACT- there is only about three such simular meetings a year all up for enthusiasts for both States. Regards. KEV.
