
Another diversion - Gangsters and Police/Citizens

As I mentioned in an earlier post I often leave some figures on the side of the workbench that I have no immediate use for and can't be systematically as a variety of colour style is needed. I just add an odd bit of left over paint whenever it seems appropriate

These are half a box each of the Redbox Gangster and Police/Civilians sets. They are not the best of sets with lots of flash, which didn't clean off easily.

From the pictures I've spotted a few bits I need to finish/touch up

The basing is very basic as I could't decide what would be the most suitable style for urban bases.

Not sure how I'm going to use them, odd figures will come in useful for various games, but maybe I should get some 20mm Zombies, LOL


  1. Lovely painted figures! You will find a use for them!
    Caesar has the zombies you're looking for! ;-)


  2. They are great! Yes, indeed...zombies...

  3. Looking good, like the cops especially.

    Cheers, Andy

  4. Excellent post and blog.

    Link added.

  5. Nice paintjob! I've linked your in my article about the Redbox Gangsters - https://alkony.enerla.net/english/the-nexus/miniatures-nexus/miniature/miniature-figure/modern-gangster-in-1-72-scale-gangster-2-from-the-gangsters-set-from-redbox-miniature-figure-review
