
On the workbench - December 2016

A bit behind on my plans for November and the focus now is to complete as much as possible of the various odds and sods lying around my workbench. Hopefully I'll get my Plastic Soldier Company kickstarter in time for Christmas. progress against various overdue tasks is noted below

  • Medieval (mainly HYW) Commanders - progressing well, almost at the basing stage
  • Medieval English bill and bowmen - a unit of each about to be based
  • Medieval French dismounted Men at Arms - another unit also ready for basing
  • Genoese Crossbowmen - nearly finished painting
  • Norman train - just started painting as I found a significant part missing from one of the wagons.
  • Roman Transport - half way through painting
  • WW2 Romanian artillery using the Fire to Fight 75mm guns as the basis with the Hat Romanian gunners.
  • Then if the kickstarter hasn't arrived start on some of the kits in the backlog!


  1. Big list Will. Steady as she goes and you'll just have to pace yourself. Best of luck.

  2. Don't worry, Will; still waiting for my CMP trucks too.

    Regards, Chris.
