
Plan for 2017

Another year, another plan. Looking back at last year's successful performance, I do wonder how I achieved it therefore I'll plan for this year at my more normal level of output. No big Rapid Fire games have been planned so far, but some more winter terrain may be needed for the SOTCW game at Gauntlet. So onto my plan, the main theme of which is Renaissance:

Painting/Modelling - moderate sized projects
  • Renaissance - sorting out and rebasing all my Thirty years War figures. This will involve deciding how to restructure my units and then painting any addition figures needed to make the units up to strength.
  • Napoleonics - I've got quite a pile of figures (mainly cavalry) available to replace/upgrade some of my oldest units.
  • WW2 - extending my coverage to US and German for the Ardennes
  • Scratch build some small renaissance galleys, probably a pair each of Ottoman and Venetian to go with the guns and crews I received at Christmas.

Smaller projects
  • Work through the Plastic Soldier Company Kickstarter kits once they arrive.
  • Adding another medieval Swiss pike block
  • Various renaissance units to cover war in the Balkans, Stradiots, Sipahis, Ajinkis, etc.
  • I need some desert sand-dunes/wadi sides so I'll get on with them once the weather warms up
  • Various houses to add to my Eighteenth Century town, including a model of my daughter's house
  • Two or three units of Vikings to add to my Dark Age armies.
  • More Swedish cavalry for the Great Northern War.
  • Plus a number of bits to fill in odd gaps in existing armies

  • Continue to support the Lance & Longbow Society games at various shows
  • Vaasgo 1942 is planned to be the SOTCW game at Gauntlet

  • I need to organise one or two large games, one SYW and another to be decided.

  • Try to get to Crisis in Antwerp

Finally yet again I'll continue the attempt to reduce the size of my stash! Hopefully down to four storage boxes and less than 6,000 items!


  1. That's quite a plan Will, looking forward to see how this shapes up over the coming 12 months.


  2. Hi Will! Happy New Year!

    Any chance we can add attending the Crisis Point big game weekend in Sheffield to that list? Its 8th and 9th April and the setting is Andreivia in 1918.

    Richard C

  3. Hopefully I can squeeze it in. But cannot commit yet.
