
belated buildings for Market Garden.

These buildings from Timecast turned up too late for the game, and I wasn't sure about the size. They have now been painted and I'm still not convinced. They are sold as 18/20mm, I've displayed them with my 20mm figures.

Arnhem cottages, the front door is 15mm high by 5mm, definitely undersize.

Foy house & barn, the house door is 18mm x 11mm so the close to the advertised scale. The small barn doors are 20mm x 7mm so the right height, but too narrow

The overall height/bulk of the Arnhem church is fine, but the main door is only 22mm x 14mm. The back door is 18mm x 8mm.

They are very heavy, and attempting to dry-brush the brickwork is a pain as it is so fine. Because they are not critical to any game, I'll probably copy them and then sell them to a more appreciative home.


  1. Beautiful buildings, love the church...

  2. Gosh, yes, they look more like 15mm scale. Maybe there might be some interest from the ex-FoW players at the club.

    Very nicely done though, they look superb.

    I think I'm going to try the Sarissa mdf buildings on the PSC site and some resin castings from Lancer. If I could get a reply from Raventhorpe, they have the ex-Sentry buildings as well.

    Cheers, Andy

  3. I have the same houses from timecast and when i bought them years ago they were saying it was 15mmm.

  4. Nice selection of buildings.

  5. Rather late i the day - but do they still sell these - I suspect that they would be ideal for a 15mm Arnhem!

  6. Hi Ken, yes Timecast still sell them. The club 15mm players consider then as suitable for 15mm games. I'm selling the complete set for £80.00 plus postage, which is the same price as the raw resin versions from Timecast.

  7. Hi Will

    That seems perfectly fair – I would happily buy them from you for that if you still have them. Email me directly from your email account to kmhanning@googlemail.com and I’m sure we can get this moving!

    All the best – and thanks for responding

