
2018 third quarter progress report

A final look at how I'm progressing against my self imposed targets

The major project is Tricorne rebasing, covering all my Seven Years War and American War of Independence armies, this is ambitious - around 2,000 figures, but hopefully it should just be "cosmetic" as I won't be physically changing the units or bases.- The Prussian are done, I've just finished the Austrians and about to start the French. It's beginning to look like a lot of work to get all the remainder finished by the end of the year!

Painting/Modelling - moderate sized projects
  • Napoleonics - carried over from 2017. I've got quite a pile of figures (mainly cavalry) available to replace/upgrade some of my oldest units. Plus Spanish infantry, Polish infantry, French artillery and Russian Guard artillery - Painted a lot of the heavy cavalry
  • Egypt 1800 - adding more French, British and Ottoman troops to my existing armies, probably by doubling up the existing units. - Not started
Smaller projects
  • WW2 Ardennes - finishing off various bits- completed what I had planned
  • WW2 North Africa - expanding my US forces to cover North Africa by adding Stuarts, Lees and any other new units that the new Battlegroup book might require.- Stuarts and Lees added, now I have the book and all I need is some T19 GMCs, I just need to find a couple of Italeri fast build half tracks
  • WW2 eastern front - extending my winter Russians for late war winter warfare, mainly by adding tanks.- all done
  • Some desert sand-dunes/wadi sides - carried over from 2017- not started
  • Various houses to add to my Eighteenth Century town, including a model of my daughter's house - carried over from 2017- not started
  • Need to create those Renaissance galleys - carried over from 2017 - any useful ideas welcomed- not started but I have an idea
  • Adding some Highland regiments to my SYW British, also for use against the Jacobites!- all three completed
  • Plus a number of bits to fill in odd gaps in existing armies- various oddments worked on.

  • Continue to support the Lance & Longbow Society games at various shows- We passed on Vapnartak this year, but attended both Phalanx and Britcon.
  • Nothing decided yet for the SOTCW game at Gauntlet- for various reasons including my medical issues this was a miss for this year
  • We plan to hold a big Battlegroup event in May, so I may be a major contributor to the terrain and troops needed - Completed successfully
  • I need to organise one or two large games, one SYW and another to be decided, hopefully my rebasing will be an incentive.- not started
  • Again try to get to Crisis in Antwerp- flights and accomodation organised


Total of 1,625 items completed so far this year
SYW 913 Mainly rebasing except the Highlanders
WW1 205 Selection of Poles, Serbs, Ottomans, British & Arabs
Renaissance 155 Ottomans & Russian
WW2 138 Extra desert stuff including Indian Infantry, civilians & plenty of tanks
Terrain 141 Mainly for Market Garden
Napoleonic 61 Heavy Cavalry
Modern 12 SAS

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