
Battleground Stockton

After a long drive and getting lost in Stockton, eventually I found the show and enjoyed a couple of hours chatting to the traders and gamers. Here's some pictures of items that caught my attention.

Pirates of the Aegean

WW2 Russians v's Germans

Byczyna on 24 January 1588 (War of Polish Sucession)

Battle of the Bulge using Bolt Action. Nice to see someone else using plastic sheets with snow on to convert ordinary buildings to winter use.

A splendid 6mm game of Blenheim (north)

Ditto (south) with the British assaulting Blenheim.

Battle of Zurich 1799

Zyrabulak 1868, one of those wonderfully obscure campaigns during the Russian conquest of Uzbeckistan, etc.

Napoleonic Naval

With a lovely harbour and backdrop

Another innovative game from Andy Callan, WSS using Jenga blocks. It was nice to catch up with Andy again.

Battle of the Standard fought with Lion Rampant

The gentlemen of SOTCW with

Nice mountains

A lovely friendly show and the gamers were happy to chat and discuss their games, if it were nearer I would certainly visit again.

Other pictures from the show

1 comment:

  1. Hi Will,

    It looked like a really good show. Some very nice looking games there - I am really taken with the Jenga based WSS game featuring Andy Callan.

    All the best,

