
Crisis 2018

It's been about 15 years since I last when to Crisis in Antwerp and all I can say is that it is a lot bigger and better but still is a very friendly show. On to the games that caught my eye

Arriving on a cool morning

Our game, provide by the Alde Garde with participation by the Lance & Longbow society. It was the battle of Arcen 1511. a what-if encounter from the Guelders Wars

The Guelders forces

The Habsburg forces, on the extreme right a group of English mercenaries about to attack the fortified manor house of Huys

battle is joined

A nice idea from Peter of adding Doppelsöldner to the front of the pike bases.

After a hard days fighting the victory was awarded to the Guelders forces.

The rest of the show

Some nice 28mm terrain on sale

The assasin's island

lots of lovely details on the buildings and terrain

Nice middle-eastern terrain representing Benghazi

What a Tanker with Nick

and Chain of Command with Rich of Two Fat Lardies (it was nice to have a chat with them before the show got started)


Rotterdam 1940

Dunkirk , again 1940

great modelling by the Dortmund gang

Late WW1 Czechs v's Germans somewhere in Russia - the Battle of Bakhmach 1918

The old Pikeys - defense of Oosterbeek lots of good modelling this is the third version of the terrain they have produced over the years!

Those nice printed foamcore buildings

Supply drop

Black Powder 2 Napoleonic Austrians v's Bavarians including a pontoon bridge crossing

Anglo-Egyptian scrap unfortunately a bit blurry

Maleme 1941


Jon & Diane Sutherland - battle of Rugen island 1715 seems to be trying to maximise the number of figures on the table.

League of Augsburg - their new Ottomans

Links to some other blogs with pictures
Alte Garde
Wargame Amateur (1) game report & (2) show report
Murphys Heroes (Delft)
Wargames Gazette
SocietĂ  di archeologia e cimeli
JJ's wargames
Trifles blog - 350 pictures!


  1. Great pictures and report. What a lot of superb, but very hard, work was done for this show.Hope I get the chance to go one day. Thanks for posting.

  2. Nice one Will. Some great models and games

  3. Nice photos! Thanks to sharing them with us
