
Great service from Butlers Printed Models

I was looking though my worklist (a rather large Excel spreadsheet) and thought about 3D printed wheels rather than press moulding them. So I put in an idea to BPM, to my surprise a couple of days later I got a reply that they were now available. So I had to get some along with BEF Bren and Scout Carriers.

I was very impressed with the carriers, yes there are fine printing lines on the models, but they are great wargaming pieces. The 25pdr wheels are super, just what I need to sort out some more limbers for my 25pdrs. I also bought some of the 15mm version as they will provide some Jeep/6pdr wheels.

just need to decide how to cope with the lines, a change in dry-brushing should work?


  1. A1 service from BPM. No real complaints about print lines - I found they are almost completely subdued after base coating with gesso or Vallejo acrylic base coat. Releasing the supports can be a pain, but as wargames pieces they are superb. Are you bringing them down to the club for a closer inspection?

    Cheers, Andy

  2. Now those are interesting.
