
It must be Christmas!

There's snow on the ground and when I got back from the warmth of the Canaries last night I had to spend 10 minutes de-icing the car. But today my order from models2u arrived with lots of goodies so it's very like Christmas should be.


  1. Hurrah! It looks like you have an interesting array of new figures to sort through there. Enjoy!

    Best Regards,


  2. A good haul, most f them are on my shopping list too. I was wondering if the Bashi-Bazouks would be suitable for WW1 irregular Turks as well or if they are too 19th Century.

  3. Nice mix of periods. I´m still waiting for the Colonial carts to become available here...I´ve had plans for them for years!!

  4. Fantastic Loot! Must add British Infantry for Egypt to the Plastic Mountain. Love to know what you think of them.

  5. Warwick, the British Infantry for Egypt are lovely figures, if you track back on my Revolutionary Wars Topic you'll see some I painted back in 2012. These together with the Strelets Light Infantry, Artillery and Light Dragoons make a great little army. I just added some Hat British marines because I had them, and they fit in well in separate units.

  6. Paul, I have waited years for the Hat Ox wagons to replace my old Atlantic wagons. Looking at the sprues they are just what I need, except they only have two oxen for each wagon so I'll still have to continue with some of the Atlantic Oxen.

  7. Andy, they are definitely more suited for an earlier period, but a few might mix in to add a bit of colour
