
On the workbench - April 2017

I had thought I would have a clear run through March to make progress against my 2019 plan. Typically life threw a wobbler in the middle of the month with an emergency two night stay in hospital and I'm still not back to normal as I can't paint for more than 30 mins at a time. So I have a backlog to catch up and for the rest of the month life is beginning to look complicated. Hopefully I will work on:

  • Matelot drawn limbers! - not yet started
  • Continue rebasing my AWI American Rebel forces - I've already completed some more that I haven't posted yet
  • British colonial artillery - underway
  • 28mm! Wargames Factory War of Spanish Succession figures to fight my Pirates using Rebels & Patriots - the majority of figures are assembled, but I need to complete some officers
  • 28mm Wargames Factory War of Spanish Succession figures - just acquired to go with the infantry and I've started assembly
  • Three SYW Hanoverian battalions
  • Some WSS French Infantry


  1. Hope you get back to normal quickly

  2. Thanks, it's been quite a pain

  3. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Matelots...as in sailors?

  4. Thanks for the good wishes. Paul, yes Matelots as in sailors.

  5. Sorry to hear you've not been well, Will. Hope things look up soon.

    Regards, Chris.
