
Tidying up the "French" Artillery

So I sat back and tidied up the artillery, my main aims were to remove all the old Airfix gunners and converted guns (Blended Airfix RHA guns and French artillery trails) and to replace all the old Airfix limbers (the originals with the wheels from the guns). In terms of guns it was (from Right to left) 2 x Saxon Foot Artillery; Baden Foot Artillery; Westphalian Foot Artillery (identical to the French except for red collars), Neuchâtel Artillery (Always a nicer alternatie to Young Guard) and 2 x French Foot Artillery.

In reverse. Note I have not bothered with the packs and trimmed back the straps to look sensible.

The first batch of limbers, extreme left Polish Foot Artillery, extreme left Baden Foot Artillery, the other pair are Westphalian.

A second batch, nearest are Imperial Guard Foot Artillery, then Neuchâtel, then a pair of French caissons that I trimmed back to two horse teams, except I did't. I painted two new "limber" teams for the caissons and reused the existing limber teams for the guns.

Of course you realise once you have done this that you need to upgrade the basing on the rest of the artillery!


  1. The Airfix French Artillery set is weird--the crew figures are actually pretty good, but the guns are (at best!) mediocre, and the limbers----yuck. Against that is the British Horse Artillery set--an excellent job.

  2. Lovely. I´ve Always had a soft spot for blackpowder artillery. I read at Bennos you have 41 guns..I hope you post a pic of the whole battery when finished. Please :-)

  3. Paul, yes I probably will post the lot sometime. I've got a few ideas for other "changes"
